About Dr.Stan

Dr Stanley Chan

MD (Canada), MPH (USA), DABFM (USA)
Consultant Family Physician
Men's Health Specialist
Founder & CEO


Dr. Stanley Chan, top men’s health specialist in Malaysia, has treated the greatest number of patients successfully using Erectile Dysfunction Shock Wave Therapy (EDSWT) since 2014. Furthermore, he was the pioneer who introduced shock wave treatment for ED to Malaysians in 2014. Many patients with very severe ED who have failed treatment by urologists have been successfully treated by Dr. Stanley. Dr. Stanley has helped many of them to regain their happy sex live, and has salvaged their marriages.

Besides treating ED, Dr. Stanley has treated patients suffering from male infertility, from NO sperm to have ample sperm by using proprietary herbal formula. Additionally, he has successfully treated or cured other men conditions such as hypogonadism (low male hormone), low libido (sex drive), premature ejaculation (fast ejaculation), chronic prostatitis, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, penile pain, etc.

Professional Credentials

Dr. Stanley Chan first obtained his Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree from the University of Calgary, Canada in 2004 and subsequently moved to America for his specialist training. With a great passion for teaching, he took up the highly competitive faculty development fellowship from the University of Pittsburgh, USA. Dr. Stanley has since become a leader in shaping the future of family medicine.

Dr. Stanley is frequently invited to speak at international conferences alongside with other academicians and experts from around the world. Moreover, he is an associate professor at International Medical University.

Men’s Health Specialist in Malaysia: Doctor Stan

If you suspect that you may have erectile dysfunction and it is affecting you both physically and mentally, don't wait! Speak with Dr.Stan for a solution today.

Operating Hours

Mon to Sat - 9 am to 5 pm
Closed on Sunday and Major Public Holidays